Aortic PWV - The Health Metric That Predicts Your Lifespan (and guides – iHeart

Aortic PWV - The Health Metric That Predicts Your Lifespan (and guides you to wellness and longevity)

Using a fingertip pulse sensor you can now measure your Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (Aortic PWV). Aortic PWV is a ‘Master Metric’ able to estimate lifespan and track benefit from positive lifestyle efforts.
The Aorta is in intimate physical contact with the spine. With age Aortic PWV increases as the spine and the body’s core regions gradually stiffen. The ability of Aortic PWV to act as a measure of spinal flexibility allows it to quantify health benefits of Yoga and other approaches to physical fitness.
With aging, there is decreased spinal flexibility along with reduction of rib cage and diaphragm movement. This impairs the ability of each breath to act as an engine of health. Aortic PWV offers insight into health from this ancient and integrative, breathing and movement focused perspective. Aortic PWV highlights the importance of exercise as a critically important part of wellness and longevity. Interestingly, good diet (high in anti-inflammatory foods) has been shown in the scientific literature to lower Aortic Stiffness.
Aortic PWV has been widely studied and in many published scientific articles is shown to ‘predict risk of death from all causes’ and has been shown to be strongly related to flexibility of the spine and trunk. Medical interest in Aortic PWV is largely focused on its ability to act as a powerful indicator of cardiovascular risk, able to identify young individuals at higher risk for heart disease, stroke and dementia. There has been little attention paid, in the medical literature, to the unique ability of Aortic PWV to act as a surrogate measure of spinal flexibility and function as a highly integrative metric.
The integrative nature of Aortic PWV bridges ancient Eastern understanding of health and wellness with modern Western knowledge of human physiology. As humans we function as an interconnected organism with breathing being a force that links all organs, tissues, structures and circulations. Aortic PWV is a transformative metric, supporting a unified East/West theory of health.
Spinal mobility and breathing based coordinated, rhythmic and elastic movement of the body’s core regions can be termed Inner Mobility. Inner Mobility is explored further at
Aortic PWV previously was measured using expensive (>$10K) and complicated equipment. The iHeart fingertip pulse sensor, costing less than $100, can now be used to measure Aortic PWV and track how exercise, good diet and stress management lead to wellness and a longer life.
It is hoped that the availability of a single health metric tracking the benefit of exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits can help people recognize their innate power to stay healthy and feel their best.


