iHeart Brain App
Discover a revolutionary approach to brain wellness with our cutting-edge iHeart Brain App. This innovative tool empowers you to explore and enhance your cognitive function like never before.

Discover the Power of iHeart Brain
Unlock your brain's full potential with the revolutionary iHeart Brain app. Part of the comprehensive iHeart ecosystem, this innovative application provides deep insights into your cognitive function and autonomic nervous system health.
Key Features
Revolutionary ANS tracking
iheart Brain uses brand-new technology for the most effective and accessible way to track your autonomic nervous system function.
Simple testing
The iheart Brain app is easy to use and understand. Simply clip on the iheart device, connect to the app, and follow the guided instructions.
Quick results
Get your score in just five minutes.
Track your progress
Visualize trends in your data over time to see whether you’re headed in the right direction.
Add notes to each reading so you can look back on the context of your individual scores.
Easy Sharing
Email a PDF of your results in just a few taps.
Unlock Your Brain's Potential with iHeart Brain

Uncertain Cognitive Health

Empowered with Cognitive Insight
What does the iHeart Brain app measure?
iHeart Brain tracks blood pressure changes in response to standing up from a seated position, which is called Orthostatic Response.
What does Orthostatic Response tell me about my health?
Orthostatic Response is an indicator of the overall strength of your autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls automatic functions in your body, like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, metabolic functions, and body temperature. Generally, the healthier you are, the faster your brain responds to changes in blood pressure when you stand up. Aging, stress, fatigue, and illnesses (like diabetes, alcohol abuse, Parkinson's Disease, and dementia) can weaken the autonomic nervous system, slowing down the Orthostatic Response.
What does my Readiness Score mean?
Your Readiness Score (out of 100) tells you how quickly your heart adjusts to standing from a seated position. The closer to 100, the better your Orthostatic Response.
What do the spikes on my results graph mean?
The results graph provides a visual indication of blood pressure changes that occur during the test. Spikes close to the 2:00 and 4:00 minute marks indicate a strong autonomic nervous system function. These spikes show that your blood pressure quickly returned to baseline after you sat down. The faster your blood pressure returns to baseline and remains at baseline, the stronger your autonomic nervous system function is.
What can I do to improve my Readiness Score?
- Unlike other iHeart tests, you cannot “game” the Brain test by controlling your breath or taking other immediate actions. To improve your Readiness Score, you will need to make consistent lifestyle changes that support the health of your autonomic nervous system. Try the following:
- Regular exercise: Physical activity helps to strengthen your cardiovascular system and improve the efficiency of your autonomic nervous system.
- Stress management: Chronic stress can negatively impact your autonomic nervous system. Techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help you manage stress levels.
- Adequate sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can disrupt your autonomic nervous system.
Hydration: Dehydration can impact blood pressure and autonomic nervous system function. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day.
Real Stories, Real Results
"iHeart quantifies the benefits of my workouts. Now, I know exactly how my habits and behavior are affecting my body and mind"
— Mike, 35
"I used to struggle with anxiety, so I got the iHeart fingertip device to track my stress levels. Initially, I had a stress score of 89 out of 100. After incorporating breathing exercises and yoga in my routines, I can glady say i feel more relaxed and calm than I have felt in years which has reflected in my stress score as well"
— Jane, 38
"I love the holistic approach of iHeart. It reminds me that I'm in control of my health and that understanding the inner state of my body can help me feel really good about my body."
— Sarah, 42