Personalize your Wellness Journey

What is Inner Mobility
A simple way to understand how your body and mind work together to maintain health—a way that empowers you to take control of your well-being and live a longer, healthier life.
Personalized Wellness Session Included
Your wellness journey goes beyond tracking with our oximeter. With your purchase, you receive a free 45-minute session with one of our in-house wellness practitioners.
iHeart helps you understand and optimize your Inner Mobility providing insights into:
Aortic Stiffness
The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body and is situated directly in front of the spinal column.
The aorta, diaphragm muscle, and spine are mechanically coupled. Consequently, aortic stiffness can be utilized as an indirect measure of spinal stiffness and core mobility, also referred to as Internal Mobility.
A study indicated that adults with poor trunk flexibility experienced a greater progression of age-related aortic stiffening.
Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is a measure of aortic stiffness.
As Inner Mobility declines, Aortic PWV, and therefore aortic stiffness, increases with age.
Inner Mobility is defined by the flexibility of the spine and rib cage, the movement of the diaphragm, and the elasticity of various soft tissues. This mobility allows each breath to massage internal organs, pump cerebrospinal fluid up the spine to the brain, draw air into the lungs, and return blood to the heart. Youthful Inner Mobility contributes to longevity.
The iHeart Internal Age app analyzes the fingertip arterial pulse signal to measure Aortic Stiffness and calculate Aortic PWV. The app then provides an Internal Age score based on the correlation of aortic stiffness with age.
Improving Inner Mobility through practices like exercise and fitness training may help to reduce Aortic Stiffness and improve overall cardiovascular health.
Autonomic Nervous System
The strength and resilience of this vital system, responsible for regulating essential functions like breathing and heart rate, can be assessed through your body's response to simple movements.
Heart Rate Variability
This dynamic measure reveals the balance within your nervous system and your capacity to adapt to stress.