What is iheart®?
The iheart system is a health and wellness tool able to calculate Internal Age by measuring the stiffness of your aorta. Aortic stiffness is a proven metric for overall organ health and is capable of predicting risk of death from all causes. Scientific studies supporting this claim are available to read in the Science section of this FAQ. The iheart system consists of:
- iheart fingertip device
- iheart apps (Internal Age, Record, Remote, HRV, Brain)
Personal Online Dashboard providing recordings, calculations, and analyses of your Internal Age readings (stored on a secure server).
While the iHeart system shows you overall health trends and enables wellness tracking, it is not a medical device. Do not use any component of the iheart system to diagnose or manage any medical condition.
How does the iheart® fingertip device work?
The iheart device is a fingertip pulse reader that detects and records arterial pulsations in your finger. iheart transmits these recordings to an app on your iOS/Android device and translates them into a pulse wave for display and analysis. After a 30-second you’ll be presented with an Internal Age. The iHeart device also measures real-time heart rate and blood oxygen saturation. Click on the highlighted links for a more detailed explanation of what these measurements mean.

What devices/operating systems is iheart available for?
iheart Internal Age is available for both iOS and Android (5.0+) phones and tablets. iheart Brain, iheart HRV, iheart Record and iheart Remote are available for iOS devices through the Apple App Store.
How is the iheart® device different from other fingertip pulse oximeters?
Other pulse oximeters measure heart rate and blood oxygen saturation but their functionality usually stops there. iheart does offer these measurements, but additionally is the only consumer-level product capable of measuring Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity and, subsequently, determining Internal Age.
How accurate is the iheart® system?
The iheart system uses a calculation algorithm to determine aortic stiffness from Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (AoPWV). This algorithm has been validated against the world’s ‘gold standard’ of AoPWV and aortic stiffness testing: the Sphygmocor system. The Sphygmocor system costs $25,000 and requires a trained professional to operate, including the placement of sensors on the neck (carotid artery) and upper leg (femoral artery). iheart is the first consumer-level product of this kind. Results from the Sphygmocor system have been compared to those from iheart and found to correlate with astounding accuracy as displayed in this graph.

Graph: iheart AoPWV vs. Sphygmocor AoPWV shows good correlation
Why is the iheart® device so expensive?
iheart is an incredibly powerful tool and the first of its kind. The device has been tested extensively against the world’s gold-standard Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity testing system (the Sphygmocor system), which costs $25,000 and requires a trained professional to operate, and the results have been found to correlate with astounding accuracy. The free iheart apps also come with 5 user profiles making it possible to manage the health of an entire household with just one device.

How does the iheart® offer long term health benefits?
The benefits of walking are well documented in medical research journals. Walking for just 30 minutes daily has been proven to normalize blood pressure, reverse diabetes, improve sleep, reduce risk of dementia, relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and lead to a longer and healthier life. Why then, with such clear evidence, are physicians prescribing so much medication rather than leading crowds on early morning hikes? Physicians are primarily focused on the treatment of current ailments rather than the prevention of future ones. It is difficult for doctors to offer patients an overall assessment of health. iheart measures aortic stiffness, a medically-accepted predictor of risk of death from all causes. Aortic stiffness is linked to stiffness of the spinal column, internal organ function, and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid to the brain, and is known to predict risk of future heart disease and dementia in individuals as young as 30. Aortic stiffness is easily improved with exercise (including walking), a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, stress reduction, and multiple other factors. iheart aims to guide people in making healthy lifestyle choices and to show objective results that lead individuals to feeling better and living longer.
Does the iheart® system replace regular visits to the doctor?
iheart is NOT a medical device. It is to be used for personal health and wellness education only. It is not intended to be used for any medical diagnosis or management of any medical conditions and should not replace regular visits to your doctor.
Is iheart® FDA Approved?
We are able to sell iheart without FDA approval as a health and wellness educational tool. iheart is non invasive and non diagnostic. iheart does not replace visits to a doctor or provide medical information, it is to be used as a tool to track how your positive lifestyle choices are affecting your internal health, allowing you to make better choices and reach optimal health.
Testing FAQ