Tips for Reducing Stress During the Holidays

The holidays are a stressful time of year, but they don't have to be. Here are some tips for reducing stress during the holidays, so you can enjoy the season without getting burned out or overwhelmed:

Plan Ahead

Plan your holiday schedule with all your activities in mind. For example, if there are certain gatherings that are more important to you than others (like spending time with family versus having fun at work parties), make sure that those events get priority when scheduling time in your calendar. This will help you stay on track and not overcommit yourself, as well as keep you from feeling like you’re in a constant state of overwhelm.

Don't Overcommit

The holidays are a time of year when everyone wants to be around family and friends, but it's also easy to overcommit. Don't be afraid to say no when people ask you if they can rely on you for something during this busy time of year—that includes quick visits or small favors. If saying no means making sure that you get enough sleep and exercise and healthy food into your daily routine, then do it!

Take Time to Be Mindful

Take a few minutes each day to focus on what's important: yourself. Practice gratitude, listen to a guided meditation, or do a 5-minute yoga flow to bring yourself into the moment. When you're feeling overwhelmed with everything else going on around you, take some time for yourself to breathe deeply with intentional breathing exercises, and think about how fortunate you are to be alive right now—and then make it a priority in everyday life!

Give Yourself Time to Rest and Regroup

It's normal to feel overwhelmed by all of the activities and expectations that come with the holiday season. You may be working harder than ever before, and even if you have time off from work, it can still feel like there aren't enough hours in a day. Try to schedule short rest breaks between activities, or take an extra day off after all your events to recoup.

Remember Stress is Normal, Burnout is Not

The most important thing to remember is that stress is normal, especially during the holidays. But stress overload and burnout is not. 

If you allow stress to build up in your body without finding a healthy way to manage it, it can have serious long-term consequences on our health. Continue to focus on what you can do to reduce your stress levels day-to-day, and make positive choices.

And, for those who are serious about reducing the unhealthy impact that stress can have of their bodies, now you can get real-time insights into your stress levels, and easily track how your choices, like saying no to holiday plans or practicing mindfulness, are actually improving your overall wellbeing with this iheart wireless fingertip sensor.

It's Okay to Have a Holiday Season That Isn't Picture Perfect and It’s Okay to Take Care of Yourself

When it comes to the holidays, there are going to be ups and downs. And while it's important to find ways to connect with the people in your life – and avoid any potential burnout – it's also okay if things don't look picture perfect. The holidays can be tough, but they don't have to be stressful; just remember that taking care of yourself is always the most important thing.


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